Sounds of Mutech (And hard work)

Hello world(s)

Its been a while since I blogged and I do apologise profusely. A lot has gone on in my absence so a lot to talk about for you all to devour and silence your cries “More please, you owe me this much!” So I’m starting to talk my bizarre talk now and I’ll get straight to business.

This blog was also done over a course of a month because I’ve been a bit preoccupied as of late but now its done so just sit back, prepare your eyes for the ride of their life (Well, about 15 minutes should do)

First off, we have finally set a date for this event. It will officially take place on Thursday 19th May, which we booked through the lovely John Meredith, since booking we had visited the following week to confirm everything with the manager Adrian and let him know what we have planned for the event.

We have fell a little behind in recent weeks however marketing is going pretty well and we’re constantly producing ideas and supporting and advising each other as much as we can in order to make this the best event we possibly can.

Now for the main event. the part where I go in depth with what I’ve been doing in my role these past weeks. Well in short the poster is going great and changed a bit from the original idea. The long answer, read on…

Like I said, I decided to go right off course with the idea about the invading instruments in the sky while a woman screamed in terror. The woman is still there, but the instruments became crowded and just didn’t really work as it became quite claustrophobic so I decided to concentrate on trying to incorporate the idea into the event logo which also brings me to announcing that we have a name for “The Event” now and it is “Live Charity Showcase” I used a font in the style of the Led Zeppelin Logo and changed the colour to orange, the same as the text done in Rosewood Std (Mutech Presents etc)

Behind this, it order to have it look a lot more prominent, I put a big spiky bubble behind it, similar to the one behind the Loros Logo. On each side of the “Live Charity Showcase” I put a guitar and a keyboard beneath it on both sides of it. I thought this worked much better as the imagery didn’t clash with any of the typography.

So here is the final product!


With the the live charity event part done finally, everything else fell into place. Such as the line up for the event. As of time of the the poster being finalised there was one band still to be properly confirmed so in place is “+ More to be announced” but this not only means that one band. We have now decided to have some electronic performances on the landing in co operation with the second year FD students and some possible acoustic stuff going on by the bar.

For the more attentive readers, they will notice that I’ve took out the cake stall off the poster in place of the actual CD that this launch event is for. The reason really does not need explaining but the cakes may go on, just watch this space.

I have also made changes to the bottom, incorporating the Mutech logo. Another improvement is that we have a proper logo now. Done by the glamorous Jake Brennan shown below

An overall excellent piece of work I must say. The font is simple yet is very clear and recognisable thanks to the vinyl an gramophone above it, giving a clear representation of what we are. and the company is about.

If anyone has a problem then they might want to take it up with Jake but be prepared to hear this upon crushing defeat

I am also proud to say that poster have since gone to press and are currently littered around Leicester College, most if not all Loros charity shops in Leicestershire and various other places such as practice rooms. Thanks Stay Free. These were all delivered by our lovely promotional department Dave and Eleni who have done a great job of rallying up some press attention for the event and in the process of talking to papers and radio shows.

It is through their communication, we also now have two boxes of stuffed animals to sell on their behalf at £1 with T shirts to wear too.

Onto the CD itself. As you can see there is a cover on the poster but here is a bigger close up version.

This was done by Zak Gilroy. Who also designed the complete insert. You can see the progress he’s been making with the project here. The insert is practically going to be just a cover, inside and the back. A Four page affair. The inside will contain information about both Loros and Mutech along with track names and everyone who engineered, mixed and mastered their tracks and on the final page will be a message to thank everyone involved.

You may ask “What about the back insert” well hold your horses (Not literally) I’m nearly there. We have decided to go against the conventional CD case and go for what is known as an Ejector case. These cases allow the use of just one insert and literally eject the cd by forcing it out the case and to put it back simply load it back into it. Here is an example below

The reason we went for these is because we thought it might be a nice cool gimmick, something you don’t see everyday. Easier to just print the one insert and cost less while looking great. My only concern is how frail they can be.

I would also like to mention that the design for the CD itself is now complete. Once again a job by Jake Brennan and it shows with a resemblance to the logo and made to look like a vinyl. As shown below and can be found on Jakes Blog

I would also like to mention that while the designs of the poster, CD and inserts were largely done on an individual basis they were also subject to input from the class and couldn’t have been the way they were without them.

Weeks to go now, I am excited. We’ve had our fair share of downs but we will keep our heads up and thats the only way to go. Goodnight and farewell for now and I promise I will do a few more blogs before the show too!

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